September 14 2020 – Kiara Jackson
There’s a good reason lavender has gained so much popularity in recent years. All the rumors are true! The good news is it’s easy to find and even easier to use in your everyday routine.
I will probably say this more than once, but not all essential oils are created equal! When shopping for oils, please know where they're coming from and always buy therapeutic grade. Trust me; it’s worth the extra dollar. And it goes without saying, but never use anything you think you are allergic to! Yikes.
So, with that said, inhale, exhale, and take these 5 easy ways to add lavender essential oil to your day.
1. Add 3 drops to a warm bath
To reiterate, (Did I even mention it yet?) taking baths in your life should be a requirement! There is no better way to let go of your worry than to run the bath water and submerge yourself. Add lavender essential oil and a cup of Epsom salts, and you will thank me later.
2. Blend 5-10 drops with 1/4 coconut oil and use it as a body moisturizer
Easy peasy lavender squeezy. Just drop, stir, and apply. You can store this above 75 degrees in a pump bottle or use a jar with a tight lid for lower temps. Keeping it within arm's reach after a shower is the best way to keep your skin moisturized while keeping your mind at ease.
3. Make a face mist
Use a clean 4-ounce (or smaller) spray bottle and fill it with distilled water (either store-bought or boiled & cooled tap). Add 10-20 drops of lavender essential oil, shake, and mist it on your face when you need calm.
4. Put a few drops on your office chair (or car seat)
Or use your newly crafted mist! Every time you sit down, you'll get a whiff! Make sure to inhale and exhale slowly to receive full benefits from this easy anxiety fix.
5. Use it in recipes
I know, it sounds weird right? Trust me, lavender cookies are the bomb. Be careful about the quality of essential oils you use—only use therapeutic grade and from a trusted source—and ensure to properly measure while following a recipe. Essential oils are chemical compounds that can cause reactions in your body when not used properly and safely. Try this recipe for lavender lemonade from Young Living.
Keep Calm and Use Lavender, for real though.
I hope this finds you all well and please don’t be ashamed to reach out for help when you need it. It’s the way the world goes ‘round! Seriously, it took me a long time to learn that, and now I consider it to be very true.
Here is the link to a Lavender Lemonade recipe from Young Living (you can use any high-quality lavender essential oil).